听说C2 SAT 补习班效果不错, 请教上过C2 SAT 补习班的家长指点一下有啥要注意的。
作者:孝子——孝顺儿子 时间:2012年07月19日 07:04 查看全文
游客IP:24.126.183.*发布于 2014-01-06 19:102 楼#
My child is attending C2 windward. It is very expensive but flexible and small learning group. I won't say the best as you can't totally rely on the teacher. We went to some Chinese sat classes before. But my child prefers C2 teaching style, so we give a try. <br>
作者:孝子——孝顺儿子 时间:2012年07月19日 07:04 查看全文