<p>您好,谢谢您们的回复,收费为25-30元一小时,如果有意向欢迎联系我,另外Three Common Education Theories 我自己认为是:Behaviourism,Cognitive Psychology 和 Constructivism. 本人只是想好好给学生们补课。 非诚勿扰,谢谢!</p>
游客IP:172.56.4.*发布于 2016-01-24 09:355 楼#
游客IP:108.68.64.*发布于 2016-01-23 23:174 楼#
<p>“在读博士”? 典型的似是而非的词儿。<br/></p>
游客IP:96.32.88.*发布于 2016-01-23 07:463 楼#
<p>PhD may not be a good teacher and educator.</p><p><br/></p><p>How many courses /trainings have you taken of education? such as psychology, history of education, education policy, common core study of Georgia, special edcution, etc.</p><p><br/></p><p>Please list them honestly.</p><p>For education psychology, could you please list three common popular education theories here?</p><p><br/></p><p>Thank you!</p><p><br/></p>
作者:frankli430 时间:2016年01月21日 20:21 查看全文