Bill gates dropped the university and made billions. <br>
A Chinese guy's name is Tang Jun got a online degree from Phonix University made millions,<br>
Yang Lan (Chinese TV host) did not get a B.A. from Colombia University made millions too as she claimed she went to Colombia University.<br>
16楼的:UGA 有一个很好的program。老师与学生一对一,而且给学生全奖。有不少学生放弃Harvard而选择这个program。<br>能不能展开说说?<br>不过,他们说的GSU是georgia state university和你说的UGA不是一个学校吧。<br>UGA是university of georgia 吧,州立大学。<br>
游客IP:74.190.37.*发布于 2011-08-16 03:5811 楼#
瞧这题目说的,你想去也得去得了啊!当你家附近菜市场啊,还挑着去,可笑。 是人家挑你。<br>
游客IP:12.236.96.*发布于 2011-08-15 23:5710 楼#
Universities have become more commerical then educational. Top universities are ranked by money not by education. If you want to get good eduction, you need to go to state universities. <br>
Usually the state universities are much better than those so-called top 10 or 50 universities. People should understand sooner about this. Otherwise, they will continue wasting their money for nothing. <br>
知足发布于 2011-08-15 22:579 楼#
再说几句个人看法:<BR> <BR>孩子若想去好学校,家长当然应该鼓励,被录取了,家长也应该提供力所能及的财务上的支持。老郭就是个现成的例子。他女儿今年毕业,同时被Emory Univ., the Univ. of Chicago录取,若去Emory Univ.,因有家长在该校工作,可以免学费,而去the Univ. of Chicago,离家远,学费贵,开销肯定多不少。为选择哪所学校,老郭曾发帖征求意见,两种主张相持不下,但他女儿对两校做了进一步的了解,也去了校园实地考察,还是非常想去the Univ. of Chicago,听老郭说,最后还是决定去the Univ. of Chicago。在力所能及的范围内,尊重孩子的选择,提供财务上的帮助,老郭夫妻的行为值得称赞。<BR> <BR>孩子没被名校录取,或同时得到其他学校的奖学金,而选择不去名校,也有可取之处,是金子在哪里都会发光,只要努力,总有机会,关键是这需要是孩子的选择,至少也是经过协商,得到了孩子的认可,而不是家长强加的。<BR>
作者:helloatl 时间:2011年08月14日 23:29 查看全文