新開張特價, 提供學生多次的機會
电话: 770—309—9997
地址: 2895 peachtree industrial blvd,
suite #101,duluth ga 30097
We offer individual lessons for: (提供單人課程有:)
Piano (鋼琴課)
Strings (弦樂): Violin(小提琴), Viola (中提琴), Cello (大提琴).
Woodwinds (木管樂): Flute (長笛), Piccolo (短笛), Clarinet (黑管
Music Faculty members (音樂專業職員)
Our faculty exceeds expectations. They are talented, active musicians and experienced teachers, highly educated and trained, holding degrees in music of various levels. They are incredibly important in the musical education of your children