由华人社区资深企业家Dawson Lee 主办的为Mary Norwood, 亚特兰大市市长候选人赞助宣传活动在 The Ritz-Carlton Residences Buckhead, 5月28日下午成功举行。 Mary向华人社区介绍她自己的经验和对亚特兰大热点问题的意见和改变设想。 会场气氛欢快热烈。 Mary的经历非常充沛,言谈举止透出干练,思维敏捷。 华人社区的企业家们和热心人士积极提问。 We want our voice to be heard. 这样的机会对我们在主流政治社会引起关注是非常有帮助的。
Mary Norwood 在亚特兰大居住,工作,为社区服务已经有25年了。 和她聊天久感觉到她对亚特兰大的深情和真切的关心。Mary在2001 年开始当选city council 任职两届。 2009 年竞选师长,未成功。今年重来。 如果Mary 此次当选,她将是36 年以来亚特兰大第一个白人市长,而且还是女性。
如果你想更多了解Mary Norwood 请参考: http://marynorwood.com/
Implementing effective strategies for juvenile offenders through comprehensive community-based program models, the implementation of effective reentry programs; and juvenile justice intervention. We cannot stand idly by. They are Atlanta’s children and we must ensure that their futures are not lost to a culture of repeat offenses.
in government is an issue that is very close to my heart. I have always fought for more openness and transparency – sometimes at great political cost.
It’s important that our government communicate well with our citizens. Our citizens should regularly receive the information they need to evaluate our City and its performance.
We must keep focused on the “restructuring” and “re-engineering” of Atlanta’s finances and services. This work must be done on a continual basis.
Our Zoning Code must be must updated to reflect the type of development we want in our City. We cannot have communities that are harmed with traffic congestion, blight, or abandonment. Protection of neighborhoods: Atlanta is a city of neighborhoods–both our traditional single-family residential neighborhoods and our newer high-rise and multi-family communities. We must continue to protect every neighborhood and every Atlantan’s quality of life.
Fumi 为此次活动提供精美食物,感谢Eddie!
更多图片,请参考: Http://dav8.com/marynorwood