Incoming Stanford freshman offering college admissions help, SAT prep, and more
Incoming Stanford freshman who also received offers from Yale, Columbia, Duke, and Penn offering college admissions help, SAT prep, and next-year course preparation this summer! As someone who just applied to college this past year and took the SAT the year before, I know how stressful it can be to work on essays and put the rest of your application together. I hope to be able to share my mistakes and advice with those who will go through the same process soon (including all high school students, not just rising seniors!) and also help you maximize your SAT score. Services include test prep, college essay editing, application prepping, interview tips, and more. Contact 678-218-7168 over text for more information.
服务包括考试准备,申请准备,申请作文修改,面试技巧等。 有关更多信息,请联系678-218-7168。