如果你或你的朋友有现成的二室户空房待出租, 请和我联系, 情况大致如下: Her name is Ebony, she wants a 2 bedroom it doesn't matter if it's a house or town house. It will only be her a
作者:明安 时间:2013年12月12日 06:48 查看全文
Jonthan发布于 2013-12-16 06:352 楼#
Hi, I have a vacant townhouse 2/2 and available now. It's located around Jimmy Carter Blvd and Buford Hwy. Call if interested at (770) 45405678.
davecchou发布于 2013-12-12 14:321 楼#
Please contact me at 678-485-9541 if interested. The house is lacated in Duluth city.<br>
作者:明安 时间:2013年12月12日 06:48 查看全文